Friday, July 31, 2009

What Price Peace (and Quiet)?

I'm trying to work, but both kids just came running into the room.

"Mama! Mama! Pixie wants a piece of chocoloate!" Princess screams.

Pixie dances around, something small and most likely chocolate clutched in her tiny hands.

I look at the pile of work on my desk and sigh. "Do you two know what *I* want?"

Pixie gets a funny look on her face as she cogitates this. "Um, world peace?"

"Exactly," I say. "When I get what I want, you can have what you want."

Princess bobs her head. Pixie keeps squealing and spinning in circles, smooshing chocolate in her hand.

"So does that mean we can have the chocolate?" Princess asks.

**If that's what it takes to get some peace and quiet...**

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